Personuppgiftspolicy och villkor

Privacy Policy and Terms of Trade
Once you have signed up as a user at 360indicator™, you can be a user on many levels.
• You may have signed up yourself and taken a free test or invested in a full test, or you may have bought something else in our webshop.
• You may be invited by a certified coach who can give you in-depth feedback on your test results.
• You can be invited by the company where you are employed. If this is the case, the company uses 360Indicator™ as a team and development tool. The company may only use 360Indicator ™ for development and may not use the tool associated with cut downs or other personnel removal.
• You can be designated by the company, to send out invitations and manage all or part of the company's teams in the 360Indicator™ system. A so called administrator.
• You may be certified to provide feedback on 360indicator™ tests.
This agreement covers all of the above examples.
Here you can read about how we treat your personal information.
When using 360Indicator™, you create a profile where we ask for information to be used in case your company or coach want to contact you. If you are affiliated with a coach, the coach will be able to see your in-depth results and thereby give you a feedback on your test results. If you received the test from a business administrator, he or she can see your overall performance, but is not trained to give you feedback on the test results. The administrator therefore only has knowledge of the superior and is able to move you around the system, depending on which team/teams you must be affiliated with. The administrator does not have access to the elaborated results. If you have received the invitation from a company administrator, there will always be certified coaches who can either be internally or externally connected to the company. These people are certified to provide professional feedback and at the same time have access to your in-depth results and may only share them with you as a customer or with others certified for sparring so you can receive the most qualified feedback. A certified coach is only entitled to look at your detailed results if this is agreed with you.
Data controller for your information
As owners of the 360Indicator™ tool, we are responsible for storing your information. We are:
Vendt-Striim ApS
Østervangen 1, b
DK- 3230 Græsted
CVR: 35377050
We are responsible for storing your information. Our processing and handling of your information takes place in accordance with applicable Danish legislation. As data controller, we store your information in our systems with the owners of 360Indicator™, Vendt-Striim ApS at the above address. The servers are at Digital Ocean in Frankfurt, Germany.
Privacy Policy
Our task is to keep your information in such a way that you can have full confidence that your information cannot be accessed by other extraneous parties, so you can use our system without the risk of others misusing your information. This means that we have a high level of data security, which ensures that your information is protected to the best of our ability.
What information do we ask and who gets access to it?
When you sign up as a user with us, we store your information so that we can present you with your test results and/or deliver ordered goods from our webshop. The following information is collected: E-mail, name, address, telephone, gender and date of birth. We use this basic information to be able to deliver any ordered goods and in order to get in touch with you if there were problems with your order. Gender and date of birth, we collect to be able to keep statistics on gender distribution and type distribution on age groups. In addition, we also store all of your responses to the tests you complete. The overall result will be available for yourself and for a possible business administrator. If the team/teams you are a part of is opened up, everyone in the team will also have access to see what type you and your colleagues are. It will be up to the individual manager in consultation with the company administrator and the associated certified coach, when and how a team is opened up. As owners and data controllers, we require certified coaches, administrators and managers that a team must NOT be opened without first having orally or in writing informed everyone in that team about this. You must also have an introduction to how you can use the actual team tool which you can access. In the team tool, you get access to the type vs type tool. There you can see how you best communicate and collaborate with the other types.
Your information is treated confidentially and can only be viewed by the relevant persons mentioned above, as well as the service and support staff responsible for 360Indicator™ support. These employees also only have access to the basic information and overall results. If you need a feedback on your results, the support can refer you to a certified coach. If you already have a coach assigned, the support can tell you who it is. If you have signed up yourself without first having received an invitation, you will not have any specific coach attached and therefore you must first choose who you want as a coach, before he or she will be awarded your in-depth test results. The coach can then give you feedback based on them.
At no time will 360Indicator™ or Vendt-Striim ApS release your information to anyone other than the previously mentioned administrators, managers and certified affiliate coaches, without you having actively given your permission for this.
Unauthorized use of the system
We reserve the right to delete your profile and related information in case of abuse or misuse of the system and our various tests, including copyright infringement, under which legal action will be initiated.
Personal information
It is not allowed for us to record information relating to your ethnicity, religion, union, political affiliation, information on health, sexual orientation, socio-economic background and possible disabilities. Therefore, we would like to emphasize that you must refrain from entering information relating to this.
Deleting your profile
If you want to delete your profile, you can do it yourself at any time if you have signed up without an invitation from a company administrator. If you have signed up through an invitation from a company administrator, the company has paid to use the system and you are therefore not registered as a private person but as an employee of the company. You therefore also decide whether you want to provide your private address or company address. Likewise, you can provide your telephone number at the workplace or private telephone number of your choice. It is the company's responsibility to delete you from the 360Indicator™ system within 30 days after your employment relationship with the company has ceased. If this is not the case, our support can help you. To delete yourself, log in to your profile and use the delete feature. When you do this, all information about you will be deleted and cannot be restored. If you want to be a user again later, this can of course be done, but you must complete all the information and tests again, since none of your previously mentioned information can be recreated. If you are not active on your profile for 12 months, your information will be deleted after another 12 months. There may be national legal rules that make us keep your information longer. In those cases, the country's rules apply and will be available on the 360Indicator's website for that country. If you log in to your profile, we consider this an activity. You will receive a mail from 360Indicator™ shortly before the 12 months have passed, and again shortly before we delete your profile automatically. If you want to correct your profile You can correct your profile at any time. If you want to make a new test, you can ask your coach, company administrator or manager for this or you can ask for it directly at 360Indicator support.
What are your rights?
The data protection rules contain a number of rights that you can claim from us as data controllers:
As registered, you have the following rights:
• Right of access - You have the right to view the personal information we process in relation to you using the 360Indicator™ tool and to obtain a number of information about the process.
• Right of correction - You have the right to get incorrect personal information about you corrected.
• Right of deletion or "right to be forgotten" - You are entitled to delete your personal data if one of a number of conditions mentioned in the Data Protection Regulation is met. • Right to opt in / out of 360Indicator™ changes and news information messages
• Right to limitation of process - You have the right to limit the processing of your personal data if one of a number of conditions is met.
• Right to object - You have the right to object to otherwise legal processing of your personal data.
If you apply your rights to us, without us complying with your request, you can contact the Data Inspectorate for guidance on your rights and possibility to complain about us.
However, you must be aware that in certain cases there may be exceptions to the rights.
You can read more in the Data Inspectorate's guidance on the data subject's rights, which you find here: